There are seven signs that point toward EAB. If you have two or more of the first six, and most importantly step seven, then your tree may be infested with EAB. Call Urban Tree Specialists as soon as possible for a professional assessment to discuss your options. Don’t wait! EAB is destructive and spreads easily.
- Sparse leaves and dying branches in the upper part of the tree
- New sprouts on the roots and lower trunk or lower branches
- Vertical splits in the bark (3 -5 inches)
- Increased woodpecker activity
- Winding, S-shaped tunnels under the bark
- White or cream-colored larvae under the bark
- Last step! Check to see if there are multiple holes in the trunk of your ash tree about 1/8 of an inch in the shape of a D. Use a knife to slightly shave the bark flat so you can assess the real shape of the hole.
For frequently asked questions about EAB, please click here.